How excellent complaint handling can create brand advocates

Answering customer complaints effectively and quickly can turn unhappy customers into true brand advocates.

Even the most vocal and complex complaints handled well, will see your customer advocacy increase across the board.

Your strategy should be to win hearts and minds and embrace complainants. You should see those customers as an opportunity rather than a headache. Why?

Excellent complaint handling creates increased affinity and loyalty

By helping customers and solving their complaints, you can increase both affinity and brand loyalty which helps drive profitable brand growth. A customer whose complaint has been resolved will create more positive word of mouth than most satisfied customers, which can have 20 times the impact of normal advertising. Plus, those customers will become more loyal than they were before the problem arose.

Brand advocates are invaluable to your company

Brand advocates are not just loyal, your brand advocates will do the job of promoting your business for you and drive reputation, which in turn can help drive revenue. If you can exceed customer expectations, unhappy customers who have had a problem solved well are more likely to be motivated to tell friends and share their experience with others, particularly on social media. All at no cost to you.

Good complaint handling should be an extension of your marketing budget

Customer services should not be viewed as an operational overhead, rather as an extension of your marketing budget. With the rise of social media and review sites, it is now even easier for customers to publicly share their experiences, creating a legion of brand advocates who can save you marketing spend.

At Qure Group, we have many years of experience in complaint handling and dispute resolution and we understand just how critical good complaint handling is to the home improvement sector. Our bespoke complaint handling and alternative dispute resolution services can help you save time, money and avoid reputational damage. To find out how we can help, contact us on 0161 676 0919 or email